
The Secret of Spunky Island is far from

The Secret of Spunky Island is far from the only “homage” present in Grimmstone's Sexy Adventures On Porn Island, as it also features potentially-copyright-infringing tributes to Star Wars, Star Trek and The Sims.Monkey Island Games Get Porno Parody [1UP]”A handful of mothers were totally freaked out by sci-fi game Dead Space replica Longines L4. Ladie's watches Those moms are pansies.Dino Ignacio's mom? While everyone else seems to cover their eyes, his mom laughs in the game's face, cackles and chuckles. Ignacio is Dead Space 2's user intece designer.Dead Space 2 is headed to the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC later this month. Some find the game scary, Dino's mom thinks its hilarious.

I asked my mom... [Reddit via Dtoid]”Electronic Arts' latest Dead Space 2 campaign is brilliant. Why? Because it uses the power of the disapproving mom to sell violent video games.Who knows if these are real moms being really disgusted by the notion of a game that essentially requires you to dismember your enemies and features vomiting replica Longines L4. Ladie's watches deaths and exploding faux babies? Who cares?Instead of worrying about the fact checking of a viral campaign, sit back and enjoy this little half-minute montage we created showing moms not at all impressed with my favorite hobby.""We're just a few hours away from a pair of big Nintendo events in the US and Europe, where actual, useful information pertaining to the release of the 3DS will be revealed. To pass the time, then, let's make some predictions.

There are three key pieces of information we're likely to have by the time the events are over: a price, a release date and a line-up of launch software. Actually, since we're talking about two different regions, make that six key pieces of information.Our replica Longines L4. Ladie's watches house rules are . Make your predictions below. And that's it! To help get you started, here are some points of reference: the DSi launched in the US at $170 and in the UK at 150. It was released in Europe two days before it was released in the US. The 3DS will be, according to Nintendo, released sometime in March in both NA and Europe.

